Sažetak | Pojava vrste Homo sapiens nije bila iznenadna niti dobro definirana u prostoru. Promjene su počele s ljudima poznatim kao arhaični sapiens koji su predstavljali prijelaznu formu koja se pojavila skoro nezamijetno u starom svijetu i postepeno se razvila u moderne forme. Starosjedilačke populacije vrste Homo erectus su se počele polagano mijenjati u arhaične sapiense i postepeno u Europi, u Neandertalce. Razvoj neandertalaca u Europi od arhaičnih sapiensa također nije bio u komadu, očigledno zbog malobrojnosti fosila. Prije 75, 000 godina, oni su se počeli razlikovati, no međutim moderni čovjek otkrio ih je tek u devetnaestom stoljeću. Neandertalska populacija Europe se smatra drugačijom od drugih populacija. Boule je opisao ove neandertalce, nažalost upotrebljavajući kostur individue koja je patila od raznih oboljenja, te prouzrokovala krive opise ovih ljudi, sve dok nedavna istraživanja nisu izvukla mnogo realističnije opise. Do 1921. Svi neandertalci su smatrani europskima. U to vrijeme nađene su lubanje na području Zambie i znanstvenici su počeli sumnjati da neandertalci nisu orijentirani samo na Europu. Najveći problem je nastao kad su primjerci specifični za europske uzorke pronađeni i na Bliskom istoku te su pokazivali neke modernije karakteristike. Ovo je vodilo ka karakterizaciji tipičnih europskih neandertalaca kao klasični tip, a ove drugdje s modernim karakteristikama kao napredni tip. S tim informacijama, znanstvenici su mogli ispitati mnoge probleme europskih neandertalaca. Piltdown je smatran obmanom, dok su ostali pripadali arhaičnim sapiensima. Oni su zatim bili dio tranzitne populacije koja se razvila iz vrste Homo erectus u vrstu Homo sapiens. Kulturalno, neandertalci su bili razvijeniji nego vrsta Homo erectus. Kameni alat koji su proizvodili, musterijan alat, je pokazao napredak u odnosu na ačeulijanski alat vrste Homo erectus. Sa takvim alatima većina aspekata njihovog života je postala bolja. Ponašanje neandertalaca je također bilo naprednije od ponašanja vrste Homo erectus. Pokopi su bili uobičajena praksa i veliki broj uzoraka potekao je upravo iz grobova. Objekti pronađeni u grobovima i uključeni u pogrebne obrede dali su jasniji uvod u način života neandertalaca. Ipak prikazi ubojstva i kanibalizma na temelju dokaza s različitih nalazišta pokazuju tamniju ljudsku stranu. Danas mi nastavljamo trend ka modernizaciji. Jedina nepravilnost u ovom svemu je pojava klasičnih neandertalca poslije naprednih. Unatoč tome mi prihvaćamo neandertalce kao dio svoje vrste, a klasificiramo ih kao podvrstu, Homo sapiens neanderthalenis. Suvremeni čovjek razvio se iz Kromanjonca, a pojava neandertalaca smatra se rezultatom određenih pogrešaka. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The appereance of Homo sapiens was neither sudden in time nor well defined in space. The change began with the people known as archaic sapiens who represented transitional forms that appeared almost impercepitibly in the Old World and gradually developed more modern aspects. The resident Homo erectus populations began to slowly change into archaic sapiens and, eventualy in Europe, into the Neandertals. The transition of the Neandertals in Europe from archaic sapiens was also not an obvious one, in part becouse of the paucity of fossils. By 75,000 years ago, howewer, they were recognizably distinct though they would not be discovered by modern humans until the nineteenth century. Neandertal population of Europe was considered distinct from other populations elsewhere. Boule described these Neandertals, unfortunately using the skeleton of one individual suffering from variety of ailments, and produced a misconection of these people until relatively recent studies provided a morerealistic view. Until 1921, all Neandertals were thought to be European. At that time, a Neandertaloid skull was found in Zambia and experts began to suspect that Neandertals might not be restricted to Europe. A major problem arose, however, when examples tipical of the European specimens found in the Middle East also were seen to have some more modern anatomic features. This led to the categorization of tipical European Neandertals as Classic specimens, and those elsewhere with more modern aspects as Progressive. With such information in hand, scientists reexaminaed many of the problematic Europeen Neandertals. Though Piltdown man was discovered to be a hoax, others were assigned to archaic sapiens. These, then, were part of the transition population that gradually evolved from H. Erectus to H. Sapiens. Culturally, the Neandertals were more advanced than H.erectus. Stone tools that they produced, Mousterian tools, exhibited improvements over the Acheulian tools of H. Erectus. With such tools most aspects of their lives become better. Neandertal behaviors also were advanced over those of H.erectus. Burials were a common practice and hundreds of speciments have been recovered from graves. Various objects included with the burials offer insights into Neandertal lifestyles. Certain objects from burials also demonstrate the existence of ceremonies, including burial with great honor. Yet the interpretation of murder and cannibalism from the evidence at many sites reflects the darker side of human nature. Today we continue the trend toward modernization. The only anomaly in this pattern is the appearance of the Classic Neandertals aftert the Progressiv ones. Even so we accept Neandertals as members of our own species but classify them as subspecies, Homo sapiens neanderthalensis. Modern men has evolved from Cromanions, while neandertalensis phenomenon is considered to be the result of certain errors. |