
Interplay between the structural and magnetic probes in the elucidation of the structure of a novel 2D layered V_4O_4(OH)_2(O_2CC_6H_4CO_2)_4·DMF
Interplay between the structural and magnetic probes in the elucidation of the structure of a novel 2D layered V_4O_4(OH)_2(O_2CC_6H_4CO_2)_4·DMF
Đerđ Igor
Škapin Srečo D.
Čeh Miran
Jagličić Zvonko
Pajić Damir
Kozlevčar Bojan
Orel Bojan
Crnjak Orel Zorica
Interplay of long-range and short-range Coulomb interactions in an Anderson-Mott insulator
Interplay of long-range and short-range Coulomb interactions in an Anderson-Mott insulator
Baćani Mirko
Novak Mario
Orbanić Filip
Prša Krunoslav
Kokanović Ivan
Babić Dinko
Investigating physics teaching and learning in a university setting
Investigating physics teaching and learning in a university setting
Guisasola Jenaro
De Cock Mieke
Kanim Stephen
Ivanjek Lana
Zuza Kristina
Bollen Laurens
van Kampen Paul
Investigating the E2 nuclear resonance effect in kaonic atoms
Investigating the E2 nuclear resonance effect in kaonic atoms
De Paolis L
Bazzi M
Bosnar D
Bragadireanu M
Cargnelli M
Carminati M
Clozza A
Deda G
Del Grande R
Dulski K
Fiorini C
Friščić I
Guaraldo C
Iliescu M
Iwasaki M
King P
Khreptak A
Levi Sandri P
Manti S
Marton J
Miliucci M
Moskal P
Napolitano F
Niedźwiecki S
Ohnishi H
Piscicchia K
Sada Y
Scordo A
Sgaramella F
Shi H
Silarski M
Sirghi D L
Sirghi F
Skurzok M
Wycech S
Spallone A
Toho K
Tüchler M
Vazquez Doce O
Yoshida C
Zmeskal J
Curceanu C
Investigation of Factors Influencing the Precipitation of Iron Oxides from Fe(II) Containing Solutions
Investigation of Factors Influencing the Precipitation of Iron Oxides from Fe(II) Containing Solutions
Gotić Marijan
Musić Svetozar
Popović Stanko
Sekovanić Lavoslav
Investigation of GaGG:Ce with TOFPET2 ASIC Readout for Applications in Gamma Imaging Systems
Investigation of GaGG:Ce with TOFPET2 ASIC Readout for Applications in Gamma Imaging Systems
Makek Mihael
Bosnar Damir
Kožuljević Ana Marija
Pavelić Luka
