
Strukturna raznolikost kompleksnih spojeva molibdena(VI) s hidrazonskim ligandima - od diskretnih do metalosupramolekulskih i polioksometalatnih struktura
Strukturna raznolikost kompleksnih spojeva molibdena(VI) s hidrazonskim ligandima - od diskretnih do metalosupramolekulskih i polioksometalatnih struktura
Mirna Mandarić
Ova doktorska disertacija temelji se na istraživanju (i) diskretnih i metalocikličkih spojeva, koordinacijskih polimera MoVI s nikotinhidrazonskim ligandima, (ii) soli, solvata i kokristala koordinacijskih spojeva MoVI s izonikotinhidrazonskim ligandima, (iii) organsko-anorganskih polioksomolibdatnih hibrida, i konačno (iv) metalosupramolekulskih spojeva temeljenih na različitim supstituentima i hidrazidnim komponentama liganda. Opisani su čimbenici koji utječu na njihovo...
Strukturne promjene određenih gena u humanim tumorima zametnih stanica testisa
Strukturne promjene određenih gena u humanim tumorima zametnih stanica testisa
Tomislav Vladušić
Tumori zametnih stanica testisa najčešće su maligne tvorbe u mladih muškaraca. Dvije histološke grupe, seminomi i neseminomi, razlikuju se morfološki i malignošću. Iako se uočava zajednička citogenetička promjena, amplifikacija 12p kromosomske regije, mehanizmi nastanka slabije agresivnih seminoma i izrazitije agresivnih neseminoma nisu poznati. Njihove molekularno-biološke studije često daju proturječne rezultate. Istražena je pojava strukturnih genskih promjena u 18 seminoma...
Strukturne transformacije u kompleksima kobalta, nikla i bakra s odabranim α-aminokiselinama i njihovim derivatima
Strukturne transformacije u kompleksima kobalta, nikla i bakra s odabranim α-aminokiselinama i njihovim derivatima
Darko Vušak
Istražene su reakcije kobaltovih(II), niklovih(II) te bakrovih(II) soli s glicinamidom (HGlyam), D-allo- i L-izoleucinom te L-homoserinom s ciljem priređivanja bis(didentatnih) koordinacijskih spojeva. Priređeno je i strukturno karakterizirano 17 bis(didentatnih) i jedan tris(didentatni) koordinacijski spoj te je proučena cis-trans izomerizacija u otopini i u čvrstom stanju. Utvrđena je značajna uloga metalnog iona u kristalizaciji određenog izomera, a također ključan čimbenik...
Study of associated W and Z Boson production in proton-proton collisions with the CMS detector at the Large Hadron Collider
Study of associated W and Z Boson production in proton-proton collisions with the CMS detector at the Large Hadron Collider
Lucija Sudić
In this thesis a measurement of WZ production cross section is presented. Total and differential cross sections are measured by the CMS experiment at the CERN LHC in proton-proton collision data samples corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19:6 fb−1 at √s = 8 TeV. The measurements are performed using the fully-leptonic WZ decay modes with electrons and muons in the final state. The measured total cross section for 71 < mZ < 111 GeV is σ(pp→WZ) = 24:09±0:87( stat.)±1:62(...
Study of heavy-ion reactions with large solid angle magnetic spectrometers
Study of heavy-ion reactions with large solid angle magnetic spectrometers
Tea Mijatović
Nucleon transfer reactions at energies close to the Coulomb barrier always played an important role in nuclear structure and reaction dynamics studies. It has been shown that heavy-ion reactions are an ideal tool for the study of the residual interaction in nuclei, in particular the components responsible for the couplings and correlations. The main subject of the present thesis is the study of the properties of the nuclear force which are not accounted for by the mean field description,...
Study of light nuclei by 13C beam induced reactions
Study of light nuclei by 13C beam induced reactions
Lovro Prepolec
The study of light nuclei is one of the most active areas in the nuclear physics today. Nuclei in the mass region A < 20 have been used as a testing sample for different theoretical models since the early days of nuclear physics. Nowadays the advent of ab initio calculations in various frameworks and the astrophysical interest makes the precise experimental data even more important. One of the topics of interest in the structure of light nuclei are the neutron-rich oxygen isotopes, starting...
Study of the Higgs boson production in association with a massive electroweak boson in final states with two b quarks and two leptons
Study of the Higgs boson production in association with a massive electroweak boson in final states with two b quarks and two leptons
Benjamin Mesić
In this thesis a study of the Higgs boson production in association with a W boson in the boosted topology is presented. The measurements are performed in two decay channels where the Higgs boson decays to two b quarks and W boson decays to electron or muon with their corresponding neutrinos, W(lν)H(bb). Data samples analyzed in this work are collected by the CMS experiment at the CERN LHC in proton-proton collision and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb-1 at √s=13 TeV....
Study of the thermosalient effect in N’-2-Propylidene-4-hydroxybenzohydrazide and the derivatives of oxitropium bromide
Study of the thermosalient effect in N’-2-Propylidene-4-hydroxybenzohydrazide and the derivatives of oxitropium bromide
Teodoro Klaser
Thermosalient materials, or more colloquially called jumping crystals, are a class of materials that exhibit mechanical motion as a response to the thermal stimulus. Such materials, which are capable of extremely fast and, more important, controllable energy conversion are extremely important candidates for active actuating elements, such as flexible electronic switches, displays, artificial muscles, microfluidic valves and gates, heat sensors etc. New examples of thermosalient materials are...
Study of transfer reaction properties with stable and unstable heavy ion beams
Study of transfer reaction properties with stable and unstable heavy ion beams
Petra Čolović
The main subject of this thesis is to show that transfer reactions with the neutron-rich unstable beams and the heavy targets could be very adequate for the production of the neutron-rich heavy nuclei. To that purpose, the measurement of 94^Rb+208^Pb transfer reaction has been performed at the energy of about 30% above the Coulomb barrier, provided by the radioactive ion beam facility of CERN (HIE-ISOLDE). The high-resolution and high-efficiency experimental set-up consisted of a large...
Study of vector boson scattering in events with four leptons and two jets with CMS detector at the LHC
Study of vector boson scattering in events with four leptons and two jets with CMS detector at the LHC
Duje Giljanović
Studying 93 Vector Boson Scattering is crucial for understanding the electroweak symmetry breaking mechanism and it provides a complementary tool for measuring Higgs boson couplings to vector bosons. In addition, using the effective field theory (EFT) framework, one can probe the Beyond Standard Model physics through modifications of certain quartic gauge couplings. This thesis reports the first evidence, with the CMS detector, of electroweak (EW) production of leptonically decaying Z boson...
Subordinate random walks
Subordinate random walks
Stjepan Šebek
In this thesis, we consider a large class of subordinate random walks on the integer lattice \(\mathbb{Z}^d\) via subordinators with Laplace exponents which are complete Bernstein functions satisfying some mild scaling conditions at zero. Subordination is a procedure for obtaining new process from the original one. The new process may differ very much from the original process, but the properties of this new process can be understood in terms of the original process. Main results of the...
Sustav alarmina i ukupni genski izražaj u juvenilnom sustavnom eritemskom lupusu
Sustav alarmina i ukupni genski izražaj u juvenilnom sustavnom eritemskom lupusu
Anita Lukić
U ovoj studiji istraživana koncentracija i genski izražaj za alarmine S100A12, HMGB1 te njihovog receptora RAGE kod zagrebačke djece s juvenilnim sustavnim eritemskim lupusom (JSLE) te ukupni genski izražaj djece s JSLE u studiji GSE11909 iz baze GEO. Koncentracije alarmina S100A12, HMGB1 i RAGE kod djece s JSLE su bile slične koncentracijama kod zdrave djece, dok su bolesna djeca imala niži genski izražaj za S100A12, te viši za HMGB1 i RAGE, što potvrđuje hipotezu da postoji...
