Study of transfer reaction properties with stable and unstable heavy ion beams
Petra Čolović The main subject of this thesis is to show that transfer reactions with the neutron-rich unstable beams and the heavy targets could be very adequate for the production of the neutron-rich heavy nuclei. To that purpose, the measurement of 94^Rb+208^Pb transfer reaction has been performed at the energy of about 30% above the Coulomb barrier, provided by the radioactive ion beam facility of CERN (HIE-ISOLDE). The high-resolution and high-efficiency experimental set-up consisted of a large...
Study of vector boson scattering in events with four leptons and two jets with CMS detector at the LHC
Duje Giljanović Studying 93 Vector Boson Scattering is crucial for understanding the electroweak symmetry breaking mechanism and it provides a complementary tool for measuring Higgs boson couplings to vector bosons. In addition, using the effective field theory (EFT) framework, one can probe the Beyond Standard Model physics through modifications of certain quartic gauge couplings. This thesis reports the first evidence, with the CMS detector, of electroweak (EW) production of leptonically decaying Z boson...
Subordinate random walks
Stjepan Šebek In this thesis, we consider a large class of subordinate random walks on the integer lattice \(\mathbb{Z}^d\) via subordinators with Laplace exponents which are complete Bernstein functions satisfying some mild scaling conditions at zero. Subordination is a procedure for obtaining new process from the original one. The new process may differ very much from the original process, but the properties of this new process can be understood in terms of the original process. Main results of the...
Sustav alarmina i ukupni genski izražaj u juvenilnom sustavnom eritemskom lupusu
Anita Lukić U ovoj studiji istraživana koncentracija i genski izražaj za alarmine S100A12, HMGB1 te njihovog receptora RAGE kod zagrebačke djece s juvenilnim sustavnim eritemskim lupusom (JSLE) te ukupni genski izražaj djece s JSLE u studiji GSE11909 iz baze GEO. Koncentracije alarmina S100A12, HMGB1 i RAGE kod djece s JSLE su bile slične koncentracijama kod zdrave djece, dok su bolesna djeca imala niži genski izražaj za S100A12, te viši za HMGB1 i RAGE, što potvrđuje hipotezu da postoji...
Svojstva homo- i heterometalnih kompleksnih spojeva priređenih iz tris(oksalatnih) i tris(kloranilatnih) građevnih blokova
Lidija Kanižaj Istražene su reakcije građevnog bloka A3[ML3]·3H2O {A = K+, NH4+ ili [(C4H9)4N)4]+; M = Cr3+ ili Fe3+; L = C2O42– ili C6O4Cl22–}, bakrove(II) soli i N-donorskog liganda (imidazola, 2,2'-bipiridina, 1,10-fenantrolina ili 2,2':6',2''-terpiridina), uz dodatak tetraklorkinona i KI u nekim reakcijama, tehnikom nadslojavanja ili u hidrotermalnim uvjetima. Priređen je 51 novi spoj: 35 oksalatnih, od čega je 29 heterometalnih (19 [CuIICrIII] i 10 [CuIIFeII/III]), i 12 kloranilatnih, od...
Svojstva i dinamika promjena organske tvari u Jadranu
Jelena Dautović Organski ugljik važan je indikator globalnih promjena te sudjeluje u mnogim
biogeokemijskim procesima u moru. Ovaj rad dokumentira dinamiku promjena sadržaja i
svojstava otopljene organske tvari/ugljika, u odabranim područjima Jadrana koja su pod jakim
utjecajem unosa slatke vode kao i različitih vodenih masa: sjeverni Jadran (SJ) na profilu Rovinj
– rijeka Po, Boka kotorska i albanski šelf. Ispitivani su sadržaj i svojstva otopljenog organskog
ugljika (eng. DOC),...
Synthesis and intercalation of epitaxial graphene on iridium
Marin Petrović Epitaxial graphene on iridium (111) surface is considered to be one of the best systems for studying intrinsic properties of graphene due to the weak interaction with the substrate which is predominantly of the van der Waals character. In epitaxial systems, graphene’s properties can be modified or some new ones can be induced by the processes of intercalation of various atoms or molecules in between the graphene and the substrate. Therefore, a detailed understanding of the formation of...
Synthetic Lorentz force for neutral cold atoms
Neven Šantić Presented in this thesis are results of research on two topics in the field of cold atoms. These topics are connected by the fact they both employ laser induced forces caused by momentum transfer from photons to atoms. In both cases the laser induced forces change the velocity distribution of the atomic ensemble. In the first part of the thesis a new way to implement a synthetic Lorentz force into a cold atomic gas is presented. The synthetic Lorentz force (SLF) is based on radiation...
Synthetic magnetism in quantum gases and photonic lattices
Tena Dubček Many intriguing phenomena in modern physics are rooted in the coupling of electric charge to magnetic fields. However, it mostly includes quantum many-body systems, which makes these systems hard to address both experimentally—because of the rather extreme conditions they usually require, and theoretically—because of the exponential dependence of the required classical computer memory on the number of quantum system constituents. The solution is found by following Feynman’s idea of the...
Iva Vidaković Maoduš The impact of water quality, landuse, hydromorphology on benthic macroinvertebrate
assemblages of the Bednja River was studied. 20 longitudinally distributed study sites
were sampled using the AQEM multihabitat sampling method resulting in the collection
and identification of 193,638 benthic macroinvertebrate individuals belonging to 259
taxa. Diversity and assemblage composition greatly varied between the study sites and
microhabitats. There was no grouping of communities based on...
Andreja Škiljaica MATH-BTB proteins are substrate-specific adaptors of CUL3-based E3 ligases, promoting
ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation of target proteins. In this work, MATH-BTB proteins
of wheat Triticum aestivum (TaMAB) and Arabidopsis thaliana (AtBPM) were phylogenetically
analyzed. Forty-six putative TaMAB genes retrieved from EnsemblPlants database clustered in the
grasses-specific expanded clade of MATH-BTB proteins. AtBPM proteins characteristically
clustered in the smaller core clade....
Jelena Martinčić Microtubule poleward flux is a fascinating phenomenon that occurs throughout mitosis,
including prometaphase. Studying the involvement of different proteins in prometaphase flux
regulation is challenging because of high dynamics of microtubule and chromosome
movements in this phase. Here I show that the prometaphase spindle consists of k-fibers and
bridging fibers, and their poleward flux velocities are similar as in metaphase. By using
tubulin photoactivation and speckle...