
Antioksidacijska, antibakterijska i citotoksična aktivnost fitokemikalija iz dubrovačke zečine (Centaurea ragusina L.)
Antioksidacijska, antibakterijska i citotoksična aktivnost fitokemikalija iz dubrovačke zečine (Centaurea ragusina L.)
Valerija Vujčić
Biološka aktivnost roda Centaurea pripisuje se spojevima iz skupine terpena i flavonoida čija su antioksidacijska, antibakterijska, citotoksična i slična ljekovita svojstva dokazana. Cilj rada je odrediti sadržaj i sastav fitokemikalija ekstrakata hrvatske endemične biljne vrste Centaurea ragusina L. sakupljene na prirodnom lokalitetu, uzgojene u uvjetima in vitro i aklimatizirane na vanjske uvjete kao i njihovu antioksidacijsku, antibakterijsku i citotoksičnu aktivnost. U svrhu...
Anyons, Zitterbewegung and dynamical phase transitions in topologically nontrivial systems
Anyons, Zitterbewegung and dynamical phase transitions in topologically nontrivial systems
Frane Lunić
Nontrivial topology in physical systems is the driving force behind many interesting phenomena. Notably, phases of matter must be classified in part by their topological properties. Phases with topological (nonlocal) order, such as the fractional quantum Hall effect (QHE), can support anyonic excitations obeying fractional statistics with potential application in topological quantum computing. States lacking intrinsic topological order can still belong to topological phases, provided certain...
Application of information geometry methods in the development of nuclear structure models
Application of information geometry methods in the development of nuclear structure models
Marko Imbrišak
Statistical analysis proved to be significant in determining the errors of theoretical models, assessing the risk of extrapolation and the sensitivity of the model to changes, as well as in the description of instabilities in the models. However, the importance of applying the analysis of the unreliability of individual parameters in the form of nuclear energy density functionals has only recently been recognized, where one of the main problems of error analysis of the parameters of those...
Application of quantum light in holography
Application of quantum light in holography
Denis Abramović
Holography is a powerful imaging technique that allows to record both amplitude and phase information over a broad electromagnetic spectrum in a hologram. Classical holography as a part of interferometry is capable of the most precise measurements in industry, applied and fundamental science. However, holography is not yet fully exploited and understood from the most fundamental, quantum perspective. A better understanding of holography can lead to new methods outperforming the classical...
Application of relativistic density functionals in the modeling of nuclear weak-interaction processes
Application of relativistic density functionals in the modeling of nuclear weak-interaction processes
Tomislav Marketin
Relativistic density functionals are employed in a study of weak-interaction processes in atomic nuclei. The approach is based on the relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov (RHB) model that is used to compute the self-consistent nuclear ground state, and collective excited states are modeleld with the relativistic quasiparticle random phase approximation (RQRPA).The focus of the study is the calculation of β-decay half-lives of neutron-rich nuclei that are predicted to play a role in r-process...
Applications of graded geometry in gauge theory and gravity
Applications of graded geometry in gauge theory and gravity
Georgios Karagiannis
This thesis is devoted to the study of physical problems in Gauge Theory and Gravity, within the mathematical framework of Graded Geometry. The main advantage of this framework is that it can be used to describe mixed-symmetry tensor fields of any type in a very general and universal way. As such, it is ideal for exploiting similarities and formal analogies between Gauge Theories and Gravity, as well as for putting the latter on equal footing and for studying them in parallel. After...
Approximation of quadratic eigenvalue problem and application to damping optimization
Approximation of quadratic eigenvalue problem and application to damping optimization
Matea Ugrica
In this thesis we study the parameter dependent Hermitian quadratic eigenvalue problem (PEQP) given by \((\lambda^2(\mathbf p) M(\mathbf p)+\lambda(\mathbf p) C(\mathbf p) +K(\mathbf p)) x(\mathbf p)=0\), where \(\mathbf p \in \mathbb R^m\) is a vector of parameters. Through this thesis matrices \(M(\mathbf p),\, C(\mathbf p),\, K(\mathbf p)\in \mathbb R^n\) arise from corresponding (vibrational) mechanical system represented by \(M(\mathbf p)\ddot q(\mathbf p;t)+ C(\mathbf p)\dot q(\mathbf...
Aromatizacija različito supstituiranih derivata 3,4-dihidropirimidinona
Aromatizacija različito supstituiranih derivata 3,4-dihidropirimidinona
Danijela Lesjak Kolarović
Biginellijevom reakcijom, pripravljeni su razliĉito supstituirani derivati 3,4-dihidropirimidinona. Koristeći modelni derivat 124-I-b provedena su opsežna preliminarna ispitivanja u svrhu pronalaska odgovarajućih uvjeta aromatizacije sintetiziranih derivata. Opseg preliminarnih ispitivanja potkrepljuje literaturno poznatu ĉinjenicu kako se ovaj tip spojeva vrlo teško aromatizira. Rezultat istraţivanja u sklopu ove doktorske disertacije urodio je ĉetirima novim, do sad nepoznatim...
Asimptota i asimptotsko ponašanje - didaktička transpozicija objekta znanja u gimnazijskom obrazovanju u Republici Hrvatskoj
Asimptota i asimptotsko ponašanje - didaktička transpozicija objekta znanja u gimnazijskom obrazovanju u Republici Hrvatskoj
Ana Katalenić
Asimptota i asimptotsko ponašanje objekti su matematičkog znanja prisutni u različitim područjima matematike. Asimptotsko ponašanje istaknuto je svojstvo nekih funkcija i krivulja te važan alat za opisivanje i rješavanje raznovrsnih matematičkih i izvanmatematičkih problema. Različitost pristupa kojima se ostvaruje te širok spektar sadržaja i područja nastave matematike s kojima se može povezati, odnosno u kojima je relevantan objekt znanja, asimptotu čine zanimljivim objektom...
Asimptotski razvoji, integralne sredine i primjene na specijalne funkcije
Asimptotski razvoji, integralne sredine i primjene na specijalne funkcije
Lenka Mihoković
Kao uvod u glavni dio ovog rada izveden je asimptotski razvoj integralne sredine poligama funkcije. Dana je rekurzivna relacija koja određuje koeficijente u tom razvoju i dokazana su neka njihova svojstva. Taj je pristup potom generaliziran na integralne sredine funkcija koje imaju asimptotski razvoj u red potencija. U tu svrhu dobiven je algoritam za rješavanje jednadžbi oblika \(B(A(x)) = C(x)\), gdje su asimptotski razvoji funkcija B i C poznati, a zatim su rezultati ilustrirani na...
Assessing dissimilarity of random sets through convex compact approximations and support functions
Assessing dissimilarity of random sets through convex compact approximations and support functions
Vesna Gotovac
In recent years random sets were recognized as a valuable tool in modelling different processes in fields like biology, biomedicine or material sciences. Nevertheless, the full potential of these applications has not yet been reached and one of the main problems in their advancement is the usual inability to correctly differentiate between underlying processes which generate real-world realisations. This research introduces a measure of dissimilarity of random sets through a heuristic based...
Assessment of MHC diversity in Central and Southeastern European grey wolf (Canis lupus) population
Assessment of MHC diversity in Central and Southeastern European grey wolf (Canis lupus) population
Željko Pavlinec
Major histocompatibility complex diversity affects individual fitness, population viability and prospects for its long-term survival and can thereby serve as a valuable genetic indicator of population fitness and its ability to adapt to environmental changes. Ten populations of grey wolf (Canis lupus) have been identified in Europe today, the two largest being Carpathian and Dinaric-Balkan, with their sizes estimated to 4,000 and 5,000 individuals, respectively. In this thesis I...
