
Sastav elemenata u otolitima
Sastav elemenata u otolitima
Dario Vrdoljak
Utvrđeni su elementni (kemijski) sastavi otolita odabranih vrsta riba porodice ljuskavki (Sparidae) pomoću laserske ablacije – induktivno spregnutom plazmatskom masenom spektrometrijom (LA-ICPMS), kristalna struktura otolita komarče, Sparus aurata pomoću konfokalne Ramanove mikrospektroskopije (CRM) te stabilni izotopi u mišićnom tkivu pica, Diplodus puntazzo i fratra, Diplodus vulgaris. Aragonit je glavna komponenta otolita komarče, a orijentacije kristala te tragovi kalcita i...
Sastav pridnenih zajednica dubokoga Jadrana i struktura populacija gospodarski najvažnijih vrsta
Sastav pridnenih zajednica dubokoga Jadrana i struktura populacija gospodarski najvažnijih vrsta
Igor Isajlović
Ovaj rad je napravljen na osnovu podataka prikupljenih tijekom istraživanja pridnenih zajednica u okviru međunarodnih projekata EU MEDITS i FAO AdriaMed Deep Sea Survey. Cilj ove disertacije je opisivanje sastava pridnenih zajednica i demografske strukture populacija gospodarski najvažnijih vrsta dubokog Jadrana, usporedba sastava pridnenih zajednica obzirom na dubinu mora, proučavanje promjena u razdoblju od 1994. do 2008. godine, te davanje preporuka za održivo gospodarenje i...
Satelitske karakteristike i grmljavinska aktivnost intenzivnih konvektivnih oluja
Satelitske karakteristike i grmljavinska aktivnost intenzivnih konvektivnih oluja
Petra Mikuš Jurković
Intenzivne konvektivne oluje često predstavljaju potencijalnu opasnost za ljudski život i materijalna dobra, dok je vrijeme i mjesto nastanka te intenzitet istih još uvijek teško predvidiv i predstavlja jedan od najvećih izazova u prognozi vremena. Izuzetnu važnost u prognozi konvekcije imaju satelitski podaci i podaci o munjama, a njihovo karakteristično ponašanje prije i tijekom grmljavinskih oluja može uvelike poboljšati prognozu neposrednog razvoja vremena (eng. nowcasting). U...
Scaling properties of stochastic processes with applications to parameter estimation and sample path properties
Scaling properties of stochastic processes with applications to parameter estimation and sample path properties
Danijel Grahovac
Scaling properties of stochastic processes refer to the behavior of the process at different time scales and distributional properties of its increments with respect to aggregation. In the first part of the thesis, scaling properties are studied in different settings by analyzing the limiting behavior of two statistics: partition function and the empirical scaling function. In Chapter 2 we study asymptotic scaling properties of weakly dependent heavy-tailed sequences. These results are...
Search for multiple Higgs boson production in hadronic final states at the Large Hadron Collider
Search for multiple Higgs boson production in hadronic final states at the Large Hadron Collider
Bhakti Kanulal Chitroda
After the discovery of the Higgs boson, one of the main purposes of the physics program at the LHC has been a thorough characterization of its properties. Among important properties of Higgs lies trilinear and quartic Higgs self-coupling, accessible through di- Higgs and triple Higgs production respectively. This thesis primarily reports on two highly significant and intriguing studies that were performed utilizing data from the Run- 2(2016–2018) proton–proton collision at a...
Search for new scalar resonances using proton-proton collisions recorded by the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider
Search for new scalar resonances using proton-proton collisions recorded by the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider
Matej Roguljić
In this thesis, the search for the resonant production of a new massive scalar particle X decaying into a new light scalar particle Y and a standard model Higgs boson H through the process X → YH → bƃbƃ is presented. Data from CERN LHC proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV are used, collected by the CMS detector in 2016–2018 and amounting to 138 fb^−1 of integrated luminosity. The search is performed in mass ranges of X (0.9–4 TeV) and Y (60–600 GeV)...
Seasonal and spatial distribution of antibiotic resistance in marine microbial communities along a trophic gradient in central Adriatic Sea
Seasonal and spatial distribution of antibiotic resistance in marine microbial communities along a trophic gradient in central Adriatic Sea
Mia Dželalija
Marine and ocean environments are the most widespread habitats in the world but are still among the least studied from the aspect of antibiotic resistance (AR). The aim was to investigate the seasonal and spatial features of AR in microbial communities along trophic gradient of central Adriatic encompassing a 68-km transect from wastewater-impacted estuary to coastal and pristine open sea. Eighty microbiomes were profiled by using Illumina-based 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing revealing that...
Sedimentologija i paleoekologija pliocenskih Viviparus slovjeva Vukomeričkih gorica
Sedimentologija i paleoekologija pliocenskih Viviparus slovjeva Vukomeričkih gorica
Tomislav Kurečić
Klastični sedimenti poznati kao Viviparus slojevi predstavljaju posljednju fazu jezerske sedimentacije u južnom dijelu PBS-a. Stratigrafski pripadaju pliocenu, a taloženi su unutar kata cernik u vremenskom rasponu od 4,5 – 2 milijuna godina. Na prostoru Vukomeričkih gorica, gdje su površinski najrasprostranjeniji, dokazano je taloženje donjih i gornjih Viviparus slojeva. Analizom facijesa i fosilnog sadržaja utvrđeno je da se njihovo taloženje odvijalo u plitkom slatkovodnom...
Sedimentološke karakteristike južnog dijela Istarskog fliškog bazena
Sedimentološke karakteristike južnog dijela Istarskog fliškog bazena
Krešimir Petrinjak
Tema istraživanja su klastične naslage Istarskog fliša. Zajedno sa Foraminiferskim vapnencima, one čine ispunu Dinarskog predgorskog bazena koji je postojao na području Istre za vrijeme srednjeg eocena. Naslage fliša sastoje se od autohtonih hemipelagičkih lapora i naslaga taloženih iz gravitacijskih tokova. Za potrebe istraživanja analiziran je niz sedimentoloških stupova i točaka opažanja te su izdvojeni i opisani sedimentološki facijesi: olistoliti, megaslojevi, ruditni...
Self-assembled Ge/Si core/shell quantum dots in alumina matrix for application in photo-electric conversion
Self-assembled Ge/Si core/shell quantum dots in alumina matrix for application in photo-electric conversion
Nikolina Nekić
Semiconductor materials confined in one or more dimensions exhibit special properties due to the quantum confinement effect. When confined in all three dimensions, a quantum dot (QD) is formed. Because of the confinement, energies of the QDs are discrete and depend on the QD size, enabling control of the absorption. Core/shell structures are somewhat more complicated but have several advantages over the regular core-only QDs. The shell could be used as a core passivation, a protective layer...
Self-dual and LCD codes from two class association schemes
Self-dual and LCD codes from two class association schemes
Ana Grbac
The main subjects of the thesis are LCD codes constructed from two class association schemes, i.e. from adjacency matrices of strongly regular graphs and doubly regular tournaments. In this thesis, we describe two methods of construction of self-dual codes. Firstly, a method of constuction of quadratic double circulant codes which was given by P. Gaborit in [28]. A method introduced by S. T. Dougherty, J.-L. Kim and P. Solé in [26] represents its generalization and it refers to the...
Semilinear equations for non-local operators
Semilinear equations for non-local operators
Ivan Biočić
This doctoral thesis deals with semilinear equations for non-local operators in bounded domains in higher dimensions: For a bounded domain \(D \subset \mathbb{R}^d, d \geq 2\), a non-local operator \(L\), and a function \(f : D \times \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\), the following problem is being solved \(Lu(x) = f (x, u(x)), x \in D\), (1) where we also impose boundary conditions in \(D^c\) and/or on \(\partial D\), depending on the type of the non-local operator \(L\). The first type...
